Sabic lldpe 118n

(7 products available)

About sabic lldpe 118n

Introduction to SABIC LLDPE 118N

Linear Low-Density Polyethylene, commonly known as LLDPE 118N, represents a versatile category of polyethylene with significant applications in various industries. This thermoplastic polymer, distinguished by its unique properties, is a product of modern polymerization technology. The sabic lldpe 118n variant is particularly noted for its balance of strength and ductility, making it a preferred material for a wide range of products.

Material Properties and Features

The sabic 118n grade is engineered for performance, offering a blend of enhanced tensile strength and superior impact resistance. Its molecular structure provides excellent temperature resistance and flame-retardant capabilities, ensuring durability in challenging environments. Unlike conventional polymers, lldpe 118n is characterized by its long shelf life and resistance to harsh weather conditions, making it a reliable choice for outdoor applications.

Applications of SABIC LLDPE 118N

The utility of sabic lldpe 118n spans across various products, from industrial to household items. Its application in manufacturing plastic wraps, containers, and pipes is well-recognized due to the material's flexibility and strength. Additionally, the adaptability of lldpe 118n allows for its use in creating thinner films compared to LDPE, suitable for agricultural films, shrink films, and geomembranes. Its elasticity and pliability are particularly beneficial in products requiring a degree of flexibility, such as raincoats and detergent bottles.

Advantages and Sustainability

The sabic 118n material is not only robust but also aligns with sustainability goals. Its recyclability stands out, offering an eco-friendly option for businesses conscious about their environmental impact. The material's nonylphenol-free stabilizers further enhance its suitability for safe food packaging applications. The inherent resistance of sabic lldpe 118n to environmental stress makes it an ideal choice for geomembranes used in environmental protection.

Customization and Certification

Customization is a key aspect of lldpe 118n, with suppliers on providing various forms, including granulated and powdered, to meet specific industrial requirements. These products are not only versatile but also come with certifications that attest to their quality and safety standards, ensuring that they meet the rigorous demands of diverse applications.

Choosing the Right SABIC LLDPE 118N

Selecting the appropriate sabic lldpe 118n requires consideration of its application-specific advantages. The vast collection available on caters to a broad spectrum of needs, allowing buyers to discern the most suitable form and properties for their particular use-case. While exploring the selections, buyers can make informed decisions without the influence of brand endorsements, focusing solely on the material's attributes and their requirements.