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At Alibaba.com, you can choose from a vast catalogue of fine gouache color made available by verified sellers, manufacturers and suppliers. They are of premium quality and are sure to help you in creating your next stunning painting. These fine gouache color are easy to use and wash and provide a gorgeous matte styled finish.

They can be used over any surface, be it a wooden surface, a paper one, or aboard. If you are a professional graphic designer or an artist, these highly pigmented fine gouache color would be ideal for you. These colors can be used directly from the tube or used by mixing with different mediums. It's your choice, and the heavy pigmentation in these colors provides you with many options for customization. 

You can purchase fine gouache color sold by a variety of brands at Alibaba.com. Similar to watercolors, it provides a matte finish and can be re-wetted after it has dried off. It is similar to oil paints as well, as it shares its property of forming a peripheral layer and creating an opaque effect. It is one of the most used paints by modern illustrators and artists because of the multiple advantages and features.

For the best quality fine gouache color at highly affordable prices, choose Alibaba.com and enjoy a shopping experience filled with ease and convenience. These highly pigmented opaque colors are perfect for painting art pieces, so why look somewhere else? No matter the type and quantity of fine gouache color, you can easily get them in one place.